Tuesday 6 May 2014

Teapot Project

So, for my teapot I decided to make a cake teapot. I wasn’t really sure what to do for the teapot project because I was still focusing on my slab project, but when I thought about it I just got inspired on doing a cake. Another reason why I wanted to make a cake teapot is because that day when I was thinking of what to do, I was really hungry, so I just started making a cake. The first thing I did was cut out templates for my cake. I used cardboard and wanted to make my cake teapot big because I wanted to do something challenging. The reason to this is that I have never made anything bigger than 5 inches, so my goal was to make a foot tall teapot. After I finished making the templates, I started rolling out slabs. I used my templates as the guide of how I wanted my cake to look like. I had to dry the slabs first, so I can start slipping and scoring the edges together. So once I formed the sides of my cake I took another template and measured it for my foundation. After that, I cut a hole on top of the cake, this will be my lid. I took it off and set it aside because I was going to decorate the lid with strawberry and flowers. Then, I took the knife and made a small opening on the tip of the cake, that’s where the tea will come out. Then to finish it off, I took two coils and braided it, so I can use it as the handle for everything.
                The way I design my cake was I took the excess slab and used it as the frosting at the sides. Unfortunately, one side of the slabs broke. I think I didn’t slip and score enough or there were still air pockets left inside the clay. When I saw it fired, I felt so sad because it was my first time experiencing something being broken. But overall, it looked like a cake, but the only downside about it is that it’s broken.

                When I was glazing my cake, I asked if I could glue the broken part back after it has been glaze. Thankfully, I was able to put the broken pieces back to place, but you can really see the cracks. The glaze technique, I used was brushing it with three coats because I was afraid I might break while glazing it, because I think (my opinion) it was in a fragile state. The glaze turned out really nice, except for the white, even though I coated it three times.
                Overall, I am glad that the cake was finish. I really like the outcome of it, but i am still bumped that it broke. I really like making this project, even though it took quite a while to make it.

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