Sunday 4 May 2014

Slab Construction

So, for my slab construction I wanted to make something floral. I decided to make a flower vase for my slab construction because I know that it will challenge me to do something difficult. The first thing I did to make the flower vase is that I had to make a template for the size of the petal I will be using. I took a board and started cutting out shapes of petals. Once I finish making a template I started using the slab roller to make slabs. I made about 9 petals to form my flower. After cutting out the 9 pieces of petals, I started to slip and score three petals first. I started to form three petals first because that will be the base of the flower. After I finish slipping and scoring the three petals altogether I made the edges of the three petals bent so it’ll look more natural. After finishing with the three petals I started to put the other three petals to form the second layer of the flower. This part was the difficult part because every time I slip and scored the pieces together sometimes they fall off, so I had to make sure I put enough slip for it to stick. After that I took the last three petals and formed the last layer of the flower vase. I also bended the other petals so it can look more like a flower. After bending the edges I had to make the base/bottom of the flower vase. I took my leftover slab from the petals and used the slab roller again. It gave me slab and I used that as my bottom base of my flower vase. I also wanted my vase to have a foot, so I took a small coil and formed it in the bottom of the vase.

            For the design for the flower vase I only use the needle tool’s cover. I used that to make lines inside the petals. I wanted to make it look like a real flower, so I actually put in a line texture like real flowers have. After that, I took a brush and started brushing up the excess clay from the flower vase.
            I really liked how my flower vase turned out. I was even impressed that I was able to manage to pull it off. I took my time and attention to make it look like a real flower. I believe that I gave it justice because it really looked like a flower.
The Glaze technique i used was brushing the glaze three times. I wanted it to look like a real flower so i glazed it yellow, pink, and maroon. It turned out to be one of my best pottery design.

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