Sunday, 4 May 2014

Double Pinch Pot

My double pinch pot is quite different from everyone else. I wanted to make something that doesn’t resemble people’s double pinch pot. So, for my double pinch pot I made a football piggy bank. Actually, one of my friends asked me if I could make her something from clay and I said I would make her a football. The first thing I did was I took two pieces of clay, that size of my hand. I started wedging it and forming a ball. Once I finished making two balls, I checked if it was proportionate with one another because those are the two clays that I will be pinching. I took one of the balls of clay and starting pinching it making it into bowl shaped. After I was done with the first one I took the second and started pinching it to make a bowl. I took a longer time forming the second one because I wanted to be sure it will be the right size as the first one. Soon after, I put slip on both of the bowls and put them together. I started to smooth them up making a double pinch pot. At first, it looked like a betel nut, but then when I started to form it again it started to look like a football. Once I finish smoothing out the slip, I cut a rectangle in the middle of the football. I used the knife to cut it, so it can be the handle as well as, I can smooth out the slip from the inside of the football. After I cut up the part of the football, I made another incision to make the coin slot. Now that I made the bowls look like a football, the next thing I did was the decorations and details that will make it more football-like.

                The first thing I did to make it look more like a football is that I took a slab and cut out three tiny rectangular shapes as the handle of the football. I slipped and scored it unto the rectangle part I cut-off from the football. I started using the base of the needle tool as the surface because it looks like the surface of a football. I wanted to make the football more realistic by making the surface look like a real football. It took a lot of time to decorate the surface of the football because I had to roll the needle tool over and over again. Once I finish I put two straight lines at each corner of the football. I chose to make a football as my double pinch because I wanted to be original. I didn’t want to make what the other students were making. Although, they looked nice I wanted to have my own personality in my own artwork.
 The glaze technique I used was brushing it three times. I used the glaze color oatmeal brown because it was the only brown glaze i found and i really wanted it too look like a football.

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